The Cubes
The Cubes
The Cubes
The Cubes
The Cubes
The Cubes
The Cubes
The Cubes
The Cubes
The Cubes

The Cubes

Figure design for The Cubes – cube headed figures that toil endlessly in their cubicle farm at Giganta Mega Corp. Each set came in their own cubicle that you could assemble, decorate with supplied stickers and accessories, and connect with other cubicles to make your own endless corporate labyrinth. 

For this design, I drew inspiration for the articulation from another childhood toy, Mobile Action Command by Matchbox and then expanded upon it. I utilized ball joints for the shoulders and legs, swivel at the neck, hands, waist and feet and pins at the knees making these figures very easy to pose. You could also swap the pieces out at any point of articulation making customization easy and fun.